Category Archives: Christianity

“Elizabeth Smart, Human Trafficking, and Purity Culture

“Elizabeth Smart, Human Trafficking, and Purity Culture”…

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May 7, 2013 · 1:34 am

@rachelheldevans: Wow. Why we MUST address purity issues in the Church

RT @rachelheldevans: Wow. Why we MUST address purity culture issues in the Church: “Elizabeth Smart speaks on human trafficking” – http://t…

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May 6, 2013 · 3:12 pm

How to read cherem in the book of Joshua

Today’s entry in Experimental Theology asks a question regarding cherem in the book of Joshua:

Would the hate-filled reader really walk away with the view that the solution to Israel’s exile problem was more cherem? Or would the reader come to see and accept the conclusion of Joshua, that living with and among pagans is inevitable, and that faithfulness to Yahweh, with and among pagans, rather than violence, is the only way to holiness.

To answer this question, look at how the Samaritans were treated in the book of Ezra. Then look at how the foreign wives and children were treated in the book of Nehemiah.  They chose more cherem.

That being said. Read the post.  It’s quite good.

Devoted to Destruction: Reading Cherem Non-Violently

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Filed under Bible, Christianity

The Religious Right was Created to Battle Desegregation

The Religious Right Wasn’t Created to Battle Abortion: The Supreme Court is hearing two cases on marriage equality this week, 40 years after it granted women access to legal and safe abortions in the landmark case Roe v. Wade. – by Sally Steenland – Tags: the, religious, right, wasn’t, created, to, battle, abortion, religion –

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Filed under Christianity

“Why traditional churches should stick with…

“Why traditional churches should stick with traditional worship”…

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April 21, 2013 · 12:05 am

“Guns, Sex, and the Total Depravity of Everyone Else

“Guns, Sex, and the Total Depravity of Everyone Else”…

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April 20, 2013 · 2:03 pm

Christian Stereotypes: Christians are Judgmental

Christian Stereotypes: Christians are Judgmental: For the next few weeks, I’ll be busy with finals and research papers. For the rest of this month, I thought it might be fun to revisit some of my very first posts from before I had a small, but loyal, following. If you’ve never gone digging in the archives, these may even be entirely new. – by Leslie Keeney –

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Filed under Christianity

An Episcopal Church is a manifestation of the gates of hell????

According to Operation Save America it is.  Maybe if OSA stopped calling us names and started having a real discussion things would improve.

Saints in Denver May Get to Supreme Court: Ken and Jo Scott and all the saints in Denver are busy bringing the Gospel of Christ to the gates of hell every day in the city of Denver.  The theology of heaven becomes biography in the streets wherever they go.  One particular manifestation of the gates of hell is St. John’s Episcopal Church. – by Operation Save America –

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Filed under Christianity

A link about witnessing

Maybe “witnessing” is about the choice we have to plant seeds of unkindness, hurry, hate, and greed in one another’s lives, or to plant seeds of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness and self-control.

Why I Don’t Witness to People on Airplanes (A Post in 3 Acts): Mark spoke in chapel every other year, usually in the spring, which was about the time I’d accumulated too many absences to cut. – by comments –

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Filed under Christianity

Mental Illness and the Church: Two Links

Mental Illness: Resources for the Church: One in 17 adults and one in 10 children in the United States lives with a serious mental illness (National Alliance on Mental Illness). – by Lindy Lowry –

Depression and Suicide from a Christian Perspective: To me, suicide is almost an unmentionable word because it’s such a horrible thing. It’s in the news now because of pastor Rick Warren’s son. – by Jeff – Tags: depression, suicide,warren, christian, perspective,suffering,help,blogs,articles,posts,other blog –

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Filed under Christianity, Mental Health