Category Archives: News from the Machine

Cash strapped cities will turn to a machine to handle terrorism

How Cash-Strapped Cities Will Handle Terrorism: The marathon bombings in Boston have cities across the country asking how they can prevent similar tragedies. For NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly, when it comes to preparing for an attack in New York, “the new normal is the old normal. –

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Filed under News from the Machine

Google Glass, the beginning of wearable surveillance

Imagine that millions of Americans walk around each day wearing the equivalent of a drone on their head: a device capable of capturing video and audio recordings of everything that happens around them. And imagine that these devices upload the data to large-scale commercial enterprises that are able to collect the recordings from each and every American and integrate them together to form a minute-by-minute tracking of the activities of millions.

Google Glass, the beginning of wearable surveillance…

1 Comment

May 1, 2013 · 3:58 pm

Advertisers Tracking Your Behavior Across Devices

“Advertisers Are Now Tracking Your Behavior Across Various Devices”…

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May 1, 2013 · 2:43 am

News from The Machine: Menlo Park

The police chief wants cameras –…

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May 1, 2013 · 12:01 am

People want “The Machine”

RT @nytimes: Poll Finds Strong Acceptance for Public Surveillance

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April 30, 2013 · 11:37 pm